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To open and complete a fillable PDF form, you will need Adobe Reader 7.05 and above (version XI is recommended). If you do not have it installed on your computer, you may download the latest version free of charge from

It’s recommended that you first download/save the PDF form to your computer or network drive, and then open it with Adobe Reader and fill it. We do not recommend using any web browser to open the form as most have issues with fillable PDF forms. 

*You can save your data and re-open the file later to modify or enter additional information.

Downloading and Saving the Form

Save the form to your computer before attempting to complete it

Fillable PDF forms may be completed and saved using Adobe Acrobat Reader (this software must be loaded on your computer). To accomplish this you must first save the empty form on your own computer:

  1. Position your cursor on the form link and click with your right mouse button (do not activate the link and open the form)
  2. From the menu that pops up, select the Save target as… option in Internet Explorer or the Save link as… or a similar option in another browser
  3. You should then be prompted to choose a location to save the file
  4. Select the location on your own computer or network and click on the Save button
  5. Once saved, navigate to the file

Completing fillable forms

Fill out the form and save it using Adobe Acrobat Reader:

  1. Use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the empty PDF form that you saved on your own computer or network
  2. Complete the form
  3. On the Reader menu, go to File > Save As
  4. Choose either the PDF (recommended) or Text format
  5. You should then be prompted to choose a location to save the file
  6. Select the location on your own computer or network and click Save


Mac users: don’t use Preview

For Macintosh system users: DO NOT use the Preview program to fill in the PDF form. Adobe Reader is the only program that will allow you to work with the form properly, and allow us to read the results once back on a Windows machine. If you do not already have Adobe Reader, please use the link above to install it on your machine.

Chrome users: don’t use Chrome PDF Viewer

For Chrome browser users: DO NOT use the Chrome PDF viewer program to fill in the PDF form. Adobe Reader is the only program that will allow you to work with the form properly. If you do not already have Adobe Reader, please use the link above to install it on your machine. Please use the instructions below to disable Chrome PDF viewer in your browser.